Handel House Museum
Sunday 19 June at 3.00 p.m.
BOYCE – Symphony No. 2 in A
DOWLAND – Pavane
HAYDN – Harpsichord Concerto in C
TOMKINS – A paven for these sad & distracted tymes
HANDEL – Concerto Grosso Op. 3, No. 6 in D
VIVALDI – Concerto for 2 Violins in A minor
Director: Sir Nicholas Jackson
Madeleine Easton Violin, Julia Black Violin,
Louise Hogan Viola, Nick Stringfellow Cello,
Nicholas Jackson Harpsichord
Box Office: 0207 4951685 (Book early – only limited seating available)
The Banqueting House, Whitehall
Monday 4 July at 7.00 p.m., Concert & Supper
BOYCE – Symphony No.2 in A
TOMKINS – A paven for these sad & distracted tymes 1649
HANDEL – Let the Bright Seaphim
HAYDN – Organ Concert in C
BACH – Motet ‘Lobet den Herrn’
– Interval –
VIVALDI – Concerto for 2 Violins in A minor
HANDEL – Ode for Queen Anne’s Birthday
Susanna Hurrell Soprano, Sarah Probert Soprano, David Allsopp Alto,
Simon Wall Tenor, Jimmy Holliday Bass, Crispian Steele-Perkins Trumpet,
Hannah Mclaughlan Oboe, Sarah Humphrys Oboe, Madeleine Easton Violin,
Julia Black Violin, Emma Alter Viola, Nick Stringfellow Cello,
Kate Aldridge Bass, Philip Godfrey Organ, Nicholas JacksonDirector/Organ
Box Office: 0203 166 6153 or Valerie.jarvis@hrp.org.uk.
£28 including Supper & wine